호주 대학별 학과별 순위 (학사 2022년)

호주 대학별 학과별 순위 정보입니다.
호주 대학별 & 학과별로 취업률 / 평균 연봉 / 학과별 만족도 순위를
전체와 유학생 기준으로 비교 정리해보겠습니다
학사 과정 기준으로 2022년 기준 정보입니다.

호주 대학교 취업률 (2022년)

🔸전체 취업률 (파트타임 + 캐쥬얼포함) = 88.3%
🔸풀타임 취업률 = 78.5%

호주 대학교 취업률 (2022년)

호주 대학교 유학생 취업률 (2022년)

🔸전체 취업률 (파트타임 + 캐쥬얼포함) = 78.5%
🔸풀타임 취업률 = 57.7%

호주대학교 유학생 취업률 2022년

호주 대학교 학과별 풀타임 취업률 순위 (2022년)

1. Rehabilitation 96.5%
2 Pharmacy 96.2%
3 Medicine 93.0%
4 Veterinary science 89.9%
5 Engineering 87.5%
6 Teacher education 86.7%
7 Dentistry 86.6%
8 Business and management 84.2%
9 Agriculture and environmental studies 83.3%
10 Nursing 82.6%
11 Law and paralegal studies 80.2%
12 Architecture and built environment 78.8%
13 Health services and support 78.5%
14 Social work 77.4%
15 Computing and information systems 76.6%
16 Humanities, culture and social sciences 72.9%
17 Science and mathematics 72.5%
18 Psychology 72.0%
19 Communications 68.4%
20 Tourism, hospitality, personal services, sport and recreation 65.1%
21 Creative arts 57.3%

호주 대학교 학과별 풀타임 취업률 순위 2022년

호주 대학교 학과별 유학생 풀타임 취업률 순위 (2022년)

1 Pharmacy 97.3%
2 Rehabilitation 89.5%
3 Medicine 89.5%
4 Teacher education 83.3%
5 Veterinary science 80.5%
6 Tourism, hospitality, personal services, sport and recreation 71.0%
7 Nursing 65.7%
8 Health services and support 64.8%
9 Agriculture and environmental studies 62.7%
10 Social work 62.2%
11 Engineering 60.1%
12 Business and management 55.7%
13 Science and mathematics 55.6%
14 Law and paralegal studies 51.6%
15 Architecture and built environment 51.1%
16 Computing and information systems 50.8%
17 Humanities, culture and social sciences 49.1%
18 Communications 48.5%
19 Creative arts 48.1%
20 Psychology 46.1%

호주 대학교 학과별 유학생 풀타임 취업률 순위 2022년

호주 대학별 풀타임 취업률 순위 (2022년)

1 Charles Sturt University 90.7%
2 Central Queensland University 86.9%
3 University of New England 86.8%
4 The University of Notre Dame Australia 85.5%
5 The University of Sydney 83.7%
6 University of New South Wales 83.5%
7 University of Southern Queensland 82.9%
8 Australian Catholic University 82.5%
9 University of Canberra 82.3%
10 Curtin University 82.2%

호주 대학별 풀타임 취업률 순위 2022년

호주 대학별 유학생 풀타임 취업률 순위 (2022년)

1 Avondale University 66.7%
2 James Cook University 58.6%
3 The University of Queensland 56.1%
4 University of New England 55.6%
5 University of New South Wales 55.3%
6 Torrens University 55.3%
7 University of Southern Queensland 55.3%
8 University of Newcastle 55.1%
9 The University of Sydney 53.8%
10 Murdoch University 53.4%

호주 대학별 유학생 풀타임 취업률 순위 (2022년)

호주 대학 학과별 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

1 Dentistry $100,000
2 Medicine $79,800
3 Social work $75,000
4 Teacher education $72,200
5 Engineering $71,500
6 Agriculture and environmental studies $70,000
7 Law and paralegal studies $70,000
8 Rehabilitation $69,500
9 Health services and support $69,400
10 Computing and information systems $69,000
11 Nursing $68,500
12 Psychology $67,800
13 Humanities, culture and social sciences $66,700
14 Science and mathematics $66,000
15 Business and management $65,000
16 Architecture and built environment $64,700
17 Veterinary science $62,600
18 Communications $60,000
19 Creative arts $56,800
20 Tourism, hospitality, personal services, sport and recreation $54,800
21 Pharmacy $52,200

호주 대학 학과별 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

호주 대학 학과별 유학생 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

1 Medicine $79,600
2 Rehabilitation $70,000
3 Health services and support $66,800
4 Teacher education $65,400
5 Nursing $65,200
6 Social work $65,000
7 Veterinary science $65,000
8 Science and mathematics $61,400
9 Engineering $60,100
10 Humanities, culture and social sciences $56,700
11 Computing and information systems $56,400
12 Business and management $55,000
13 Architecture and built environment $54,900
14 Creative arts $52,200
15 Pharmacy $49,600

호주 대학 학과별 유학생 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

호주 대학별 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

1 University of Tasmania $78,300
2 University of Southern Queensland $75,000
3 University of New England $74,000
4 Central Queensland University $73,100
5 Charles Darwin University $73,100
6 Charles Sturt University $72,800
7 Curtin University $71,000
8 Southern Cross University $71,000
9 University of New South Wales $70,000
10 Edith Cowan University $70,000

호주 대학별 풀타임 연봉 순위 2022년

호주 대학별 유학생 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

1 James Cook University $75,300
2 University of Newcastle $68,000
3 Edith Cowan University $62,800
4 Flinders University $61,500
5 Murdoch University $61,000
6 University of New South Wales $60,900
7 The University of Sydney $60,000
8 Western Sydney University $60,000
9 University of Wollongong $60,000
10 The University of Adelaide $60,000

호주 대학별 유학생 풀타임 연봉 순위 (2022년)

호주 대학 학과별 만족도 순위 (2022년)

1 Agriculture and environmental studies 88.3
2 Social work 83.1
3 Humanities, culture and social sciences 82.6
4 Medicine 82.4
5 Rehabilitation 81.9
6 Tourism, hospitality, personal services, sport and recreation 81.8
7 Science and mathematics 81.2
8 Psychology 80.8
9 Law and paralegal studies 80.7
10 Pharmacy 80.4
11 Communications 77.5
12 Health services and support 77.4
13 All study areas 77.4
14 Business and management 75.7
15 Teacher education 75.2
16 Veterinary science 74.2
17 Nursing 73.9
18 Architecture and built environment 72.7
19 Computing and information systems 72.2
20 Engineering 71.9
21 Creative arts 71.8

호주 대학 학과별 만족도 순위 (2022년)

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호주 대학별 학과별 취업률 연봉 순위 2022년
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